

醫學美容伴隨著整形美容,儼然是二十世紀末最偉大的發明,在人類的世界異軍突起。現代科技使每個人延長生命,但活愈老,長得愈老,雞皮鶴髮不是別人觀感問題,而是妳的自我認同問題。即使妳四十五歲了,像 Madonna 娜姐;即使妳三十歲,像妮可•基嫚;想像上帝偷回五年,甚至十年青春,現代醫學美容都讓妳在無痛、無恢復期下,實現願望。一個沒有被說破的秘密。我們活在一個比人類任何一個年代都重視外貌的時代。舉凡職場、人際關係、甚至愛情婚姻、大眾傳播、攝影機、照相機、自拍手機 …. 影像時代使我們頂著一個外貌,成了他人認識妳的第一道牆。不要談女明星,就算嚴肅的政經領域,嚴凱泰、馬英九,英挺的外表,很容易博得眾人的喜愛與信賴,這裡外貌的不平等,是今日貧富之外,人類最大的不平等。

人都想整形,於是妳徘徊於整形醫院、想到血、想到手術疤痕;妳只好頂著上天給妳的外型,不甘不願地活下去。非侵入式整形 ( 如不開刀的電波拉皮 ) 或低入侵式整形 ( 如注射肉毒桿菌、玻尿酸、膠原蛋白或雷射除斑、換膚、磨皮 ) 儼然成為當今世界整形意識主流,讓每個人擁有不老 (age-less) 權力,青春永駐不再搖不可及,更絕非好萊塢或韓國女明星的專利。許多人以為愛美是虛榮,甚至是犯罪。以一個男人,一各醫師,我要很專業地告訴大家,每個人都愛美,愛自己美也愛他人美。外型不是一個人的全部,但當你花一點時間一點金錢,給自己的青春留住更多尾巴,你會發現鏡子裡的妳,像一個快樂的靈魂呼喚著妳;那個美麗的新形象,正快速地建立妳對人生新的莫大的信心。

妳改變的,豈止只是外表而已 !
有話想問我嗎?歡迎妳 / 你留下資料,我會與妳 / 你連絡 。

  • 美國完全無痛電波拉皮(Thermage)全球卓越獎
  • 丹麥雅得媚(Aquamid)全球卓越獎
  • 美國雷射外科醫學會( ASLMS )會員
  • 美國皮膚科醫學會( AAD )會員
  • 中華民國皮膚專科醫師
  • 中華民國皮膚科醫學會會員
  • 中華民國醫用雷射醫學會會員
  • 中國北京醫科大學客座副教授
  • 台灣醫學會會員

“Thermage” User of The Year (2008)
“Aquamid” User of The Year (2009)
Certificate of Training for “Thermage” (USA)
Certificate of Training for “Aquamid (Denmark)
Member of American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS)
Member of American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)

Board of Dermatology (R.O.C.)
Member of Taiwanese Dermatological Association
Member of Laser and Photonics Medicine Society (R.O.C).
Guest Associate Professor, Beijing Medical University
Member of Formosan Medical Association

What you’ve changed is more than your outward appearance!

At humanity’s meteoric rise, the accompaniment of cosmetics with plastic surgery remains the greatest invention of the 21st Century. Modern science and technology enables everybody to live a long life, but we still grow old. To have chicken skin and snowy hair is not just a problem for otherpeople, but one that you and I face too. Even if you are 45 years old, you can look like Madonna. If you are 30 years old, you can look like Nicole Kidman. If you want to take back five or even ten years, modern cosmetic medicine allows you to fulfill your wish with painless methods that don’t require any recovery time. Here’s a secret: we currently reside in an era that regards aesthetic beauty more highly that any other time. For example, in the work place, relationships, even love and marriage, mass communication, cameras, camera phones… the Age of Imaging compels us to go only by our outward appearance. This exterior becomes the first form of understanding and communication that others have with you. Forget female celebrities, even the handsome exteriors of serious political and economical figures like Kenneth Yen and Ma Ying-Jeou make it easy for them to win the faith and affection of people. Today, outer semblances are not equal; its power surpasses that of wealth or poverty and is the greatest imbalance of humanity. Thus, everybody is thinking of cosmetic surgery. And so you linger at the door of a plastic surgery clinic. But you might think of the blood, of the surgical scars and settle with your imperfect congenital appearance, continuing to live with discontentment.

Non-invasive plastic surgery (such as the non-surgical Thermage treatment) or low invasive plastic surgery (such as Botox, hyaluronic acid, collagen or laser spot removers, peeling, dermabrasion) have become the trend of the present day’s cosmetic surgery mainstream. These surgeries allow an “age-less” effect and prevent the fading of youth and also are no longer privy to Hollywood stars or Korean actresses. Many think admiring beauty is tantamount to vanity or even a crime. As a man, as a doctor, I can professionally inform you all that everybody admires beauty to some extent. Our exterior appearance is not all that matters. But if you spend a little time, a little money to prolong your youth, you will find that the person in the mirror looks happier. Your enhanced beauty will rapidly rebuild your esteem in life.

What you have changed, is not limited to just your outward appearance!

Got a question for me? Feel free to leave your details, I will contact you.


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