1. 注射後24小時內不要化妝及碰觸注射部位。
2. 少數人在注射部位出現暫時性紅腫、刺癢,幾天後自然消失,不必太擔心。
3. 如有水腫現象,可局部冰敷。
4. 在初期暫時性紅腫消退前,應避免暴露於直接日曬、極熱(三溫暖、泡湯)、極冷(寒風)環境下,建議加強防曬措施。
What should I pay attention to after being injected with “Aquamid”?
Do not touch or apply cosmetics to the site of injection 24 hours after the injection
A small number of people develop temporary redness and itching at the injection site. This will disappear naturally so do not worry too much.
If edema develops, apply ice to that area.
During the primary stage, some swelling will appear. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight, extreme heat (such as hot springs, sauna) and cold environments in order to protect and strengthen the area.
官方網站 www.act-center.com.tw
營業時間:週一到週六 AM10:00~PM7:30
聯絡電話:+886 (2) 2751-1088
診所地址:10688 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段 162 號 3 樓
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